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Bank of Mississippi Records

Identifier: MSS-19

Scope and Contents

Journals, minutes, ledgers, daily and weekly bank statements, registers, checkbooks, balance books and other financial records of the bank. Also includes summary and bibliography of R.C. Weems dissertation.


  • 1810 - 1843


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Open to all researchers.

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Any requests for permission to publish, quote, or reproduce materials from this collection must be submitted in writing to the Manuscripts Librarian for Special Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of Mississippi State University as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained.


0.112 Cubic Feet (8 microfilm reels)

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Original account books and papers of the bank: Campbell Collection:

“Bank Note Register.” Contains the complete records of notes issued and notes canceled of the parent bank and each of the branches. Contains also fragments of bank notes issued in 1821. June 10, 1811-Feb. 14, 1835.

“Cash Book.” A daily record of debits and credits except cash. May 16, 1816-Dec. 31, 1816.

“Check Book” or “Cash Book.” A daily record of debits except cash. This was used to supplement the “Deposit Book” which contained a record of credits. Inclusive dates for each volume are as follows: June 10, 1812-Dec. 4, 1812; Dec. 5, 1812-May 31, 1814; Nov. 1814-May 1815; Sept. 1815-Jan. 2, 1816; May 10, 1816-Dec. 31, 1816; Apr. 8, 1819-Apr. 18, 1825; Apr. 19, 1819-Apr. 18, 1821; Apr. 19, 1820-May 16, 1821; Mar. 18, 1821-Aug. 13, 1822; Aug. 17, 1822-Dec. 19, 1823; Dec. 21, 1823-Sept. 30, 1825; Oct. 1, 1825-Nov. 4, 1826; Nov. 4, 1826-Nov. 19, 1827; Nov. 20, 1827-Dec. 18, 1828; Dec. 19, 1828-May 19, 1830; Feb. 2, 1829-July 22, 1830; Feb. 18, 1831-Apr. 17, 1833; Apr. 18, 1833-May 12, 1840.

“Correspondence Received.” Approximately 5,000 routine letters and acknowledgements.

“Customers’ Liability Register” or “Customers’ Liability Ledger.” Contains information showing the liability of each individual as maker or endorser of notes payable to the bank. Inclusive dates for each volume are as follows: June 14, 1811-Jan. 8, 1819; Mar. 12, 1819-Mar. 1, 1822.

“Daily Record of Changes in Cash.” Contains changes in (but not total amounts of) U.S. bank notes, Louisiana bank notes, Mississippi bank notes, deposits, checks and specie. Inclusive dates for each volume are as follows: Aug. 20, 1818-July 20, 1820; Dec. 18, 1822-June 30, 1825; July 1, 1825-Dec. 31, 1828.

“Deposit Book” or “Cash Book.” Daily record of credits except cash. This was used to supplement the “Check Book” which contained a record of debits. Inclusive dates for each volume are as follows: June 10, 1811-Dec. 4, 1812; Dec. 5, 1812-May 13, 1814; Nov. 1814-May 1815; Sept. 1815-Jan. 2, 1816; May 10, 1816-Dec. 31, 1816; Jan. 1, 1819-Feb. 15, 1820; Feb. 16, 1820-Dec. 10, 1826; Feb. 17, 1820-Sept. 28, 1821; Oct. 1, 1821-Apr. 10, 1824; Jan. 17, 1822-June 4, 1822; June 1, 1822-Dec. 28, 1822; Mar. 27, 1826-Sept. 11, 1827; Sept. 11, 1827-Mar. 18, 1829; Nov. 20, 1827-Dec. 18, 1828; Sept. 19, 1828-May 7, 1829; May 8, 1829-Jan. 27, 1830; Jan. 28, 1830-Sept. 17, 1830; Apr. 13, 1930-May 30, 1831; May 31, 1831-May 12, 1840; Apr. 8, 1831-July 3, 1832; July 5, 1832-Aug. 23, 1839.

“Directors’ Chest in Account with the Cashier.” June 10, 1811-Apr. 18, 1812. Volume also contains bank statements of Band of the State of Mississippi, May 9, 1828-Mar. 18, 1831.

“Dividend Register,” Jan. 1, 1812-July 1, 1823.

“Draft Register.” Contains record of drafts drawn on the Farmer’s and Mechanics’ Bank of Philadelphia, the Bank of Orleans, and the Office of the United States Bank in New Orleans. Sept. 9, 1811-Dec. 31, 1821; Jan. 1, 1822-Nov. 14, 1828.

“General Journal.” The daily transaction journal of the bank contains all entries except cash which represented the difference between debits and credits as shown. Inclusive dates for each volume are as follows: June 10, 1811-Nov. 22, 1813; Nov. 23, 1813-Dec. 31, 1816.

“General Ledger (Temporary).” Sept. 9, 1811-Sept. 8, 1814. “General Ledger,” A, is missing. Contains some general accounts and a list of drafts drawn on the Farmer’s and Mechanics’ Bank of Philadelphia and the Bank of Orleans through 1821. It also contains the complete “Bank Note Register” from June 10, 1811 through Feb. 14, 1835. Three fragments of the note issue of the Bank of the Mississippi are included between pages following registration of note issue.

“General Ledger.” B, C, D, E, F, G, H, N. Contains the general accounts of the bank – cash, bills receivable, profit and loss, dividends, property, capital stock, bank notes issued, cash accounts of individuals and firms, correspondent banks and public funds. Inclusive dates for each volume are as follows: B, Aug. 9, 1814-Feb. 3, 1818; C, Dec. 8, 1817-May 27, 1819; D, Jan. 1, 1819-Jan. 31, 1822; E, Mar. 27, 1819-Feb. 11, 1822; F, Dec. 29, 1821-Feb. 21, 1826; G, Feb. 11, 1822-Feb. 11, 1825; H, Feb. 8, 1826-Nov. 19, 1827; N, Dec. 7, 1829-Sept. 3, 1831.

“Letter Book.” Official correspondence between the officers of the bank and the branches at Port Gibson and Woodville, and general correspondence of the bank with other banks in distant points. Inclusive dates for each volume area as follows: Mar. 19, 1818-Aug. 19, 1819; Aug. 20, 1819-Oct. 29, 1822; Oct. 29, 1822-Mar. 27, 1826; Nov. 4, 1829-Mar. 24, 1831; Mar. 26, 1831-Sept. 13, 1833.

“Memorial of the Board of Directors.” Aug. 5, 1831.

“Memorial of the Stockholders.” Nov. 18, 1831.

“Miscellaneous Records,” check stubs, stock certificate stubs, blotters, scratchers, memoranda, etc.

“Note Payment Record.” Contains chronological list of notes arranged by dates upon which notices were served and also dates of final payment. Inclusive dates for each volume are as follows: Jan. 27, 1818-Aug. 20, 1819; May 6, 1814-Jan. 23, 1818; Aug. 27, 1819-Feb. 23, 1821.

“Official Statements.” Dates for each are as follows: Dec. 31, 1825; Jan. 1, 1828; and Dec. 31, 1828. Other available year-end statements are: Jan. 8, 1821, in Senate Journal, Nov. 1821, p. 103; Nov. 30, 1830, in Senate Journal, Nov. 1830, p. 119; Dec. 30, 1831, in “Weekly Bank Statements”; Dec. 29, 1832, in “Weekly Bank Statements”; Feb. 4, 1833, in “Stockholders’ Journal,” Feb. 6, 1833; and Dec. 29, 1833, in “Weekly Bank Statements.”

“Stockholders’ Journal” or “Minutes of the Stockholders.” Jan. 1, 1810-Dec. 14, 1843.

“Stock Register.” Contains complete records on shares 1 through 7,216 issued between Jan. 1, 1810 and Jan. 1, 1819. Jan. 1, 1810-Dec. 14, 1844.

Vicksburg Office of Deposit and Discount: “Abstract of Funds.” Contains weekly statements of condition of the Vicksburg Branch. Apr. 26, 1830-Feb. 27, 1832. “Daily Balance Book.” May 23, 1831-Nov. 24, 1831. “Journal of the Board of Directors.” Contains a list of rules and regulations governing the offices of deposit and discount. Feb. 13, 1829-Apr. 10, 1832.

“Weekly Bank Statements.” Shows bills receivable; exchange on New Orleans; in account with offices at Vicksburg, Woodville, Port Gibson; exchange on Bank of U.S. in Philadelphia; exchange on Bank of U.S. in Natchez; exchange on Bank of U.S. in New Orleans; exchange on Planters’ Bank; and exchange on Bank of Orleans. After Mar. 12, 1833, only a very few statements are shown. May 9, 1828-Mar. 18, 1831; Mar. 25, 1831-June 17, 1834.

Other Manuscripts:

Adams County Deed Book, Natchez, Miss., 1798-1951.

Adams County Will Book, Natchez, Miss., 1810-1840.

Biddle, Nicholas, Collection. Washington: Library of Congress, 1804-1836.

Blennerhasset, Harmon, Papers. Washington: Library of Congress, 1817-1818.

Claiborne County Deed Book, Port Gibson, Miss., 1810-1840.

Dunbar, William, “Extracts from the Letter Book of William Dunbar of the Forest from Jun 18, 1775, to Mar. 21, 1802.” Washington: Library of Congress.

Ellicott, Andrew, Correspondence, 1796-1800. Washington, Library of Congress, 3 volumes.

Georgia, State of, Papers Relating to the Yazoo Land Grants, 1790-1815. Washington: Library of Congress.

Guyton, Pearl Vivian, Natchez, Mississippi; letter of October 11, 1946, concerning Postlethwaite family history based on family records.


In 1912, through the efforts of A.G. Campbell and Dunbar Rowland, the original records of the Bank of the Mississippi and the Bank of the State of Mississippi were transferred to the Mississippi Department of Archives and History in Jackson. Prior to that date these valuable papers had lain unnoticed in the garret of the building formerly occupied by the Agricultural Bank.

Microfilm only, originals are at MDAH.


Bank of Mississippi records
June 2012
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Part of the Manuscripts Repository
