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Sanders, Lee and Sargent families papers

Identifier: MSS-574

Scope and Contents

The Sanders, Lee and Sargent families papers contain materials that document the lives of members of the three families, which are of significant social historical interest. There is extensive correspondence among members of the Lee family between 1850 and 1910, and a calendar of the correspondence is included as an appendix. A large number of deeds show the acquisitions made by the Lee and Sanders families in Columbus, Mississippi. The scrapbooks... and recipe books give an insight into the interests of the individual members who compiled them. There are a large number of photographs, either loose or in albums, which also document the people of the families and the events which shaped them.

The collection is divided into eight series. The first, Lee family, contains a large group of correspondence to and from Elvira A. Lee and her two sons, William H. and Alonzo C. Lee, from 1850 to 1910. These letters reveal the Lee family’s experiences during the Civil War and Reconstruction, as well as giving a detailed history of the extended family until William’s death in 1910. Folder 8 of Box 2 contains letters sent to William by a mysterious young lady from Rocky Hill, Alabama, circa 1869, who usually identifies herself only as “Littlest One”. A calendar of documents is included in the Appendix. The series also includes an incomplete diary of William S. Lee, some Civil War reminiscences, deeds, a watercolor of William H. Lee, and a scrapbook of clippings compiled by Elvira Lee from about 1840. There is also an account of an expedition through the Florida Everglades by Alonzo Church from 1892.

The second series, Waring family, contains a small number of documents related to the family, including correspondence and some deeds. The most interesting item is the recipe book compiled by Elizabeth (Lizzie) Waring, William H. Lee’s sister-in-law.

Series three, Sanders family, is the largest, containing correspondence and other documents concerning William L. Sanders, his wife Winifred, their children and grandchildren. The William L. Sanders material includes documents related to his education at Lawrenceville School, New Jersey, and Princeton University, including his senior thesis at the latter. An album presented to him by the Columbus Swimming Association in 1968 is also included. There are five folders of deeds and a large number of clippings documenting the family’s civic involvement. Folder 55 in Box 3 has information on the Columbus Chowder and Marching Society, and there are some programs from the annual Columbus Junior Auxiliary Pilgrimage.

Series four, Sargent family, includes documents mainly related to Harry B. Sargent and his wife Hilah White Sargent. There is a small amount of correspondence and some writings belonging to Harry Sargent, a diary and his estate records. Hilah Sargent’s materials include a scrapbook of clippings and a cookbook. There is also a list of the wedding presents the couple received in 1903. Two folders contain letters and poems sent by Robert S. Sargent to his sister Winifred Sargent Sanders. Two video tapes are of an oral history by Robert S. Sargent, Jr. There are also some documents regarding the White, Jordan and Simmons families, including a notebook with copies of some letters written by James T. White to his future wife, Sarah Jordan, a travel document issued to James White in 1877, and a copy of the Annual Catalogue of the Virginia Male and Female Collegiate Institute, Portsmouth, Virginia, of 1855 where members of the Bilisoly family were enrolled.

The fifth series is Genealogical materials. This series includes letters, vital records and family trees complied by members of the family to document their history. The reminiscences of Maude White Lende and notes by Robert S. Sargent are of particular interest.

Series six is a group of publications. It includes a broadside for the Pen Lucy School for Boys in Maryland from 1868 established by the man who had employed William H. Lee as a teacher after the Civil War. There is a program from the Columbus, Mississippi, centennial of 1921 and a tourist booklet about Vicksburg published by the Illinois Central Railroad in 1928. Also included are an 1836 family Bible, a copy of Princeton University Photogravures owned by Anne Lee Sanders, and the 1897 edition of the Register of the Society of the Cincinnati of Maryland. Copies of magazines and a newspaper featuring John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon can also be found in this series.

A small number of miscellaneous items are contained in the seventh series. These include a print by Mara D. Califf and a nineteenth-century cased watercolor portrait of an unidentified man.

Series eight is Photographs. This includes photographs of many members of the various branches of the family, with six albums. One album belonged to Elvira Lee and contains many cartes de visite of family and friends. The photograph albums belonging to Hilah White Sargent are a wonderful introduction to her family. There are some photographs of General Stephen D. Lee and many photographs of William L. Sanders and the Sargent family. A feature of the series is a number of cased photographs of Jordan family members, and one of Elvira Lee. A portrait of Louise Waring Lee taken in 1873 has been printed on metal and tinted and is an interesting example of the technology of the day.

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  • 1850 - 2001
  • Majority of material found within 1860 - 1992

Access Restrictions

Open to all researchers.

Use Restrictions

Any requests for permission to publish, quote, or reproduce materials from this collection must be submitted in writing to the Manuscripts Librarian for Special Collections. Permission for publication is given on behalf of Mississippi State University as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which must also be obtained.

Biographical Information

William Lee Sanders (1912-2002) was the only child of William Davis Sanders (1871-1953) and Anne Louise Lee Sanders (1879-1944) of Columbus, Mississippi. His father’s family came from the Paducah area of Kentucky. William Davis’ parents were Dr. William Harvey Sanders (1843-1917) and Kate Davis Sanders (1851-1932). William D. Sanders moved to Columbus in 1906 and worked for the H. C. Godman Shoe Company until 1927. In 1929 he started an oil distribution... business. In 1906 William D. Sanders married Anne Lee, the daughter of William Hollinshed Lee (1841-1910) and Louise Clary Waring Lee (1856-1907).

The Lee family originated in South Carolina. William Hollinshed’s grandfather was the Reverend William States Lee (1793-1875), the pastor of Edisto Island Church, South Carolina, from 1820 to 1871. William States Lee’s son, William Hollinshed, Sr., (1818-1852) married Elvira Anne Church (d. 1881) in 1841. Elvira’s father was the Reverend Alonzo Church (1793-1862), the President of the University of Georgia from 1829 to 1859. Both William Hollinshed, Jr. and his brother, Alonzo Church Lee (1843-1910) served in the Confederate Army during the Civil War. William States Lee was forced to leave Edisto Island during the war and was not able to return until 1869. Elvira lived with her father in Georgia after she was widowed and following his death moved between relatives in Georgia, South Carolina and Florida. After the war, William Hollinshed, Jr., became a teacher briefly in Sparta, Georgia, before moving to Columbus, Mississippi, in 1866, where he joined the merchants Billups and Brown. Alonzo C. Lee worked initially for Stoll, Webb and Company in Charleston, South Carolina, and then the cotton brokers G. W. Williams and Company in the same city. In 1867 Elvira joined William in Columbus and a year later Alonzo also moved to Mississippi. Their distant cousin, former Confederate general Stephen D. Lee (1833-1908), was also living in Mississippi by this time. Alonzo first worked as a clerk for Truss, Gross and Company in Columbus and in 1869 was in Cobb’s Switch near Artesia, Mississippi, still apparently working for Gross. He married Sallie Whitmore and eventually became an insurance adjuster in Jackson, Mississippi, where he died in June 1910. By 1872, William had become a partner in the grocery firm Moore, Cox and Lee. He joined the Columbus Insurance and Banking Company in 1880 as cashier and remained in that position until his death in December 1910. In 1878 William married Louise Clary Waring, whose family was from Ohio. Her father, James Lawrence Waring (1819-1900) moved the family to Columbus in 1867 to become a planter with his son, Francis Talford Waring (1843-1899).

William Lee Sanders was raised in Columbus, attending the Practice School of Mississippi State College for Women and S. D. Lee High School. A number of African-Americans worked for the family including the housekeeper and nurse, Irene Brownrigg (1875-1954). William was sent to school at the Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, and then attended Princeton University. He served in the navy during World War II before returning to Columbus to join his father’s oil business. As President of Sanders Oil Company, William was also involved in various business and community activities. He was on the board of the Mississippi Economic Council, the president of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce, and promoted the construction of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway. He also served on the boards of the Columbus Y.M.C.A. and the Lowndes County Library. William Sanders was an active supporter of swimming in Columbus and was coach of the Columbus team from 1950 to 1960. He initiated the fundraising which resulted in a swimming pool being built in Propst Park in 1963, which was named after him. His family continued to be active in the sport.

William L. Sanders was married briefly to Lenore Hardy Kimbrough, divorcing in 1937. In 1940 he married Winifred Sargent (1918-2007). Winifred’s grandfather, Henry Barry Sargent (1844-1914) was from Massachusetts and served in the Union Army during the Civil War. He married Lucy Alvira Lyman (1845-1904) in 1867 and moved to Jacksonville, Florida, about 1880 where he first ran a bakery business and then became a government liquor inspector. Henry’s son, Harry B. (1877-1960), worked for the railroad in Florida before and after serving in the army during the Spanish-American War. After working in Virginia, he transferred to the Queen and Crescent Railroad in New Orleans in 1901. During World War I, he moved to Ohio and afterwards to Vicksburg, Mississippi, to work for the Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific and Alabama & Vicksburg Railroads. Subsequently employed by the Illinois Central Railroad in Durant and Vicksburg, he retired in 1943. In 1903 Harry married Hilah Estill White (1882-1950), whom he had met while living in Portsmouth, Virginia. On Hilah’s death, her sister, Winifred (Wee) White Ashe (b.1888), looked after Harry until he died.

Hilah White Sargent’s parents were James Turner White (1851-1909) and Sarah (Sallie) Wilson Jordan White (1853-1929). Harry and Hilah Sargent had five children: Henry Barry (1905-1967); Robert Strong (1912-2006); Hilah White (1915-1915); Winifred; and Frank Lyman (b. 1922). Hilah’s niece, Maude (1898-1984), who later married Henry Lende (1898-1985) and had a daughter, Hilah Grethe Lende Simmons (b. 1935), also lived with the family for some years. Henry B. Sargent, Jr. became an executive in the power industry, eventually heading the American and Foreign Power Company in New York. Robert S. Sargent became an engineer in the Defence Department, and later a published poet. Winifred Sargent attended All Saints School in Vicksburg and then studied at Mississippi State College for Women, graduating in 1940. She and William L. Sanders had four children: William Lee, Jr. (b. 1941); Winfred Anne (1943-1957); Harry Sargent (b. 1945); and David Lawrence (b. 1946).


Sanders, Lee and Sargent families papers

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6.8 Cubic Feet (: 5 record cartons; 3 SMO folders; 1 OS folder; 3 VMP boxes; SMOP; OSP; VMCP; VMArt; SMOArt; AV; Artifacts)

Language of Materials


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Series 1. Lee family-Boxes 1-3, 5; Visual Materials: Art Box 1; Small Oversize Art Box 1

Series 2. Waring family- Boxes 3, 5; Small Oversize Manuscripts Box 41; Oversize Manuscripts Box 14

Series 3. Sanders family- Boxes 3-5; Small Oversize Manuscripts Box 41; Oversize Manuscripts Box 14; Visual Materials: Art Box 1

Series 4. Sargent family- Boxes 4-5; Small Oversize Manuscripts Box 41; Audio/Visual Box 4; Artifacts Box 2

Series 5. Genealogical materials-Box 4; Oversize Manuscript Box 14; Small Oversize Photographs Box 2

Series 6. Publications- Boxes 4-5; Small Oversize Manuscripts Box 41; Oversize Manuscripts Box 14; Oversize Newspapers

Series 7. Miscellany- Box 4; Visual Materials: Art Box 1; Small Oversize Art Box 1; Visual Materials: Cased Photographs Box 2; Artifacts Box 2

Series 8. Photographs-Visual Materials: Photographs Boxes 26-28; Small Oversize Photographs Box 2; Oversize Photographs Drawer VIII; Visual Materials: Cased Photographs Box 2; Artifacts Box 2

Appendix. Calendar: Lee and Waring Families Correspondence, 1850-circa 1930.

Lee family:

1850 June 27-Elvira Anne Lee [mother], Charleston, SC, to William Hollinshed Lee, Edingsville, SC.


Feb. 5-R. M. Johnston, University of Georgia, Athens, to Fanny Patterson,Columbus, MS. [Introduces W. H. Lee]

[The following 6 letters enclosed in envelope labeled “Mr. Wm. Lee, Athens, GA”. Several are general letters of recommendation of W. H. Lee. No particular addressees are named.]

July 2-R. M. Johnston, University of Georgia, Athens.

July 3-P. H. Mell, University of Georgia, Athens.

July 3-William Rutherford Jr., Franklin College, University of Georgia, Athens.

July 6-Harry Hammond, Franklin College, University of Georgia, Athens.

Aug. 3-S. H. Pope, Columbus, MS, to W. H. Lee, Athens, GA.

Sept. 3-William Henry Waddell, University of Georgia, Athens.

Sept. 4-Alonzo Church, Athens, to Rev. James A. Lyon, Columbus, MS.


Apr. 17-A. Church [grandfather], Homewood, GA, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Nov. 13-E.A. Lee [mother], Homewood, GA, to Alonzo Church Lee.

Nov. 20-C. Morrow, Columbus, MS, to W. H. Lee.

Nov. 25-A. Church, Homewood, GA, to W. H. Lee.

Nov. 25-E. A. Lee, Homewood, GA, to W. H. Lee, Blythe’s Miss. Battalion, Columbus, KY.

Nov. 29-A. Church, Athens, GA, to W. H. Lee.

Dec. 2-William States Lee [grandfather], Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee.

Dec. 25-W. S. Lee, Edgefield Dist., SC, to Private W. H. Lee, Company A, Blythe’s Mississippi Regiment, Columbus, KY


Jan. 18-E. A. Lee, Homewood, SC, to W. H. Lee.

Feb. 1-E. A. Lee, Athens, GA, to W. H. Lee, Company A, Blythe’s Mississippi Regiment, Columbus, KY

Feb. 18-W. S. Lee, Edgefield Dist., SC, to W. H. Lee, Company A, Blythe’s Mississippi Regiment, Columbus, KY

Mar. 16-E. A. Lee, Homewood, GA, to W. H. Lee, Co. A., Blythe’s Regiment, Bethell, TN.

Mar. 29-W. S. Lee, Edgefield Dist., SC, to W. H. Lee, Company A, Blythe’s Regiment, Corinth, MS.

Apr. 5-E. A. Lee, Athens, Ga. to W. H. Lee. Company A, Blythe’s Mississippi Regiment, Corinth, MS.

Apr. 15-E. A. Lee, Athens, Ga. to W.H. Lee. Company A, Blythe’s Mississippi Regiment, Corinth, MS.

May 3-W. S. Lee, Edgefield Dist., Graniteville P.O., SC, to W. H. Lee, Company A, Blythe’s Regiment, Corinth, MS.


Jan. 4-E. A. Lee, Homewood, GA, to W. H. Lee.

May 13-Nellie [cousin], Augusta, GA, to W. H. Lee, Provost-Guard, Hindman’s Division, Dalton, GA.


April 25-A. C. Lee, Tallahassee, FL, to W. H. Lee.

April 25-E. A. Lee, Nehamathla, Tallahassee, FL, to W. H. Lee.

April 25-Sallie [cousin], Nehamathla, FL, to W. H. Lee [enclosed with preceding letter]

circa April-A. C. Lee to E. A. Lee [Nehamathla, FL (?)]. [Fragment]

April 27-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee.

June 21-A. C. Lee to E. A. Lee, c/o Maj. Richard Barry, Columbus, MS. [following note enclosed from Uncle W. S. Lee]

Undated-W. S. Lee to A. C. Lee [enclosed with preceding letter]

June 18-W. H. Lee, Bivouac near Atlanta, GA, to Frank [cousin].

July 21-Ellen, Anderson, SC, to W. H. Lee.

Aug. 13-E. A. Lee, Tallahassee, FL, to W. H. Lee, Provost-Guard, Hindman’s Division, Dalton, GA.

Aug. 22-Cousin Sallie, Bel Air, FL to W. H. Lee.

Aug. 23-E. A. Lee, Tallahassee, FL, to W.H.Lee.

Aug. 24-W. S. Lee, Graniteville P. O., SC, to A. C. Lee.

Aug. 30-L. I. Whitner [sister], Prairie Vue, FL, to E. A. Lee.

Sept. 2-E. A. Lee, Tallahassee, FL, to W. H. Lee , c/o. Brig. Gen. _________, Clayton’s Div., Lee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee, [following two letters enclosed]

Aug. 25-L. I. Church Whitner, Prairie Vue, FL, to E. A. Lee. [enclosed with E.A. Lee letter of Sept. 2, 1864]

Aug. 19-B. L. Whitner, Jr., Prairie Vue, FL, to E. A. Lee. [enclosed with E.A. Lee letter of Sept. 2, 1864.]

Sept. 5-John Trippe [great-grandfather], Eatonton, GA, to W. H. Lee.

Sept. 5-W. S. Lee [uncle], Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee.

Sept. 5-W.S. Lee, Refuge, S.C., to E. A. Lee.

Sept. 5-Anna D. [cousin], Augusta, GA, to W. H. Lee.

Sept. 12-E. A. Lee, Tallahassee, to W. H. Lee.

Sept. 12-Jule [cousin], Bel Air, FL, to W. H. Lee.

Sept. 15-E. A. Lee, Tallahassee, FL, Lieut. W. H. Lee, c/o Gen. M. A. Stovall, Clayton Division, Army of Tennessee, Northern Georgia.

Sept. 29-W. S. Lee, Graniteville P. O., SC, to Lieut. W. H. Lee, c/o Gen. M. A. Stovall, Army of Tennessee.

Sept. 29-E. A. Lee, Tallahassee, FL, to W. H. Lee.

Oct. 11-A. C. Lee, Camp Barnwell, Pocotaligo, SC, to W. H.Lee.

Oct. 18-W. S. Lee, Graniteville, SC, to Lieut. W. H. Lee, c/o Gen. M. A. Stovall, Army of Tennessee. [following letter enclosed]

Oct. 18-Uncle Henney to W. H. Lee, [enclosed with 10/18/64 letter]

Nov. 11-E. A. Lee, Tallahassee, FL, to W. H. Lee.

Nov. 20-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee. [note from Aunt Maimee enclosed]

Nov. 20-Aunt Maimee to W. H. Lee. [enclosed with preceding letter]

Nov. 27-Sallie C. C. (Sallie Craig), Meadville, PA, to Aunt Janie; Sallie C. C. to Janie Randolph, undated. [Both letters copied by E. A. Lee for W. H. Lee]

Dec. 27-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to Lieut. W. H. Lee, c/o Gen. M. A. Stovall, Army of Tennessee.

Dec. 30-Special Order #1 by Capt. Wilson and W. H. Lee, Lt. and Adjt. [enclosed with 12/30/64 reply to Capt. Wilson. Envelope marked “Lieut. W. H. Lee present”.]

Dec. 30-Addie E. Ross, Lt. Com. Bat., Hd. Qtrs., Lt. Artillery, to Capt. Wilson. [enclosed with preceding letter]


Jan. 6-W. S. Lee, Graniteville P.O., SC, to Lieut. W. H. Lee.

Jan. 8-S. H. Pope, Shuqualak, MS, to Lieut. W. H. Lee, Officers’ Hospital, Uniontown, AL.

Jan. 16-W. S. Lee [uncle], Columbus, GA to W. H. Lee.

Feb. 19-S. H. Pope, Commissory Office, Shuqualak, MS, to Lieut. W. H. Lee, Officers’ Hospital, Uniontown, AL.

July 23-W. H. Lee, Prairie Vue, FL, to E. A. Lee, Nehamathla, FL.

Nov. 23-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, GA.


Jan. 12-E. A. Lee, Anderson Court House, SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Feb. 3-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee, Rockby, near Sparta, GA.

Feb. 14-E. A. Lee, Madison, FL, to W. H. Lee. [Letter of 12/14/65 enclosed]

1865 Dec. 14-Annie, Anderson, SC, to W. H. Lee, Sparta, GA. [Enclosed with letter of 2/14/66 in envelope marked “Attn. of Mr. I. Ingram”.]

Feb. 25-E. A. Lee, Prairie Vue, FL, to W. H. Lee.

Mar. 11-E. C. Robb, New York, to E. A. Lee.

Mar. 12-E. A. Lee, Prairie Vue, to W.H. Lee.

Mar. 28-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee, Sparta, GA.

Apr. 12-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee, Sparta, GA.

Apr. 15-E. A. Lee, Prairie Vue, FL, to W. H. Lee.

Apr. 23-E. A. Lee, Prairie Vue, FL, to W. H. Lee.

May 4-E. A. Lee, Prairie Vue, FL, to W.H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, Hancock County, GA.

May 25-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee, Sparta, GA.

June 8-E. A. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W.H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, Hancock County, GA.

June 15-E. A. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W.H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, GA.

June 21-E. A. Lee, Graniteville, SC, to W.H. Lee, Sparta, GA. [enclosed: Rocky School music program, June 27, 1866; letter from W. S. Lee]

May 17-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W.H. Lee. [enclosed with letter of 6/21/1866]

Aug. 18-E. A. Lee, Anderson C.H., SC, to W. H. Lee.

Aug. 23-Hennie, Edisto Island, SC, to W. H. Lee, Sparta, GA. [enclosed with letter of 8/28/66]

Aug. 28-W. S. Lee, Edingsville, SC, to W. H. Lee, Sparta, GA, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston. [enclosed with letter of 8/23/66]

Aug. 24-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, Hancock County, GA.

Aug. 28-Alonzo Church Croom, Agricultural College, near Washington, D.C., to Mother [enclosed in letter following, copied by E. A. Lee for W. H. Lee]

Sept. 4-E. A. Lee, Anderson C.H., SC, to W. H. Lee. c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, Hancock County, GA.

Sept. 30-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o R. M. Johnston, Sparta, GA. [note on back from Charles Webb to W. H. Lee.]

Sept. 30-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee.

Oct. 18-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Oct. 21-E. A. Lee, Anderson, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, Hancock County, GA.

Oct. 28-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, Hancock County, GA.

Nov. 7-A. C. Lee, Charleston, to W. H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, GA.

Nov. 15-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Col. R. M. Johnston, Sparta, GA.

Dec. 2-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Dec. 6-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.


Jan. 2 A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee, c/o B. F. Whitner, Anderson C. H., SC.

Jan. 13-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee.

Jan. 17-M. B. Gresham, Granite Farm, GA, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Jan. 22-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Jan. 24-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee.

Feb. 5-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W, H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Feb. 6-W. S. Lee, Edisto Island, SC, to W. H. Lee.

Feb. 10-Jule [Croom?], Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee [aunt], Columbus, MS. [enclosed with letter following]

Feb. 18-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS. [enclosed with preceding letter]

Feb. 24-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee.

Feb. 26-Mary C. Church, Augusta, GA, to E. A. Lee. [enclosed with 3/1/67 letter following]

Mar. 1-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS. [enclosed with preceding letter]

Mar. 2-A. W. Church, Chicago and Alton Railroad Co., Attorney’s Office, Chicago, IL, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 8-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 11-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee.

Mar. 17-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H, SC., to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 20-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee, c/o B. F. Whitner, Anderson C. H., SC.

Mar. 25-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 26-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H., SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 29-Pope Barrow, Athens, GA, to E. A. Lee. [enclosed with following letter]

April 2-E. A. Lee, Anderson C. H, SC., to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS. [enclosed with 3/29/67 letter]

April 8-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee.

April 16-W. S. Lee, Edisto Island, SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

April 19-E. A. Lee, Athens, GA, to W. H. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS.

April 27-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee, c/o W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

April 29-E. A. Lee, Athens, GA, to W. H. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS.

circa April-E. A. Lee, at Mr. Goldings, [Athens, GA], to W. H. Lee, c/o Brown & Billups, Columbus, MS.

May 6-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee., c/o W. H. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS.

May 12-B. C. Pope, Fairfield, AL, to W. H. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown Columbus, MS.

May 25-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee.

June 1-E. A. Lee, Columbus, MS, to W. H. Lee, c/o Brown & Billups, Columbus, MS.

June 2-E. A. Lee to W. H. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS.

June 14-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee.

July 8-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee, c/o W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

July 16-R. M. Johnston, Waverly P.O., Baltimore County, MD, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

July 26-A. C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to E. A. Lee, c/o W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Aug. 13-A. C. Lee, Charleston to E. A. Lee, c/o W. H. Lee, c/o Brown & Billups, Columbus, MS.

Sept. 17-Alfred Alfriend, Athens, GA, to W. H. Lee.

Sept. 21-A. Alfriend, Athens, GA, to W. H. Lee.

Oct. 7-A. Alfriend, Athens, GA, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Oct. 14-A. C. Lee, Charleston to E. A. Lee, c/o W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS, c/o Billups & Brown.


Jan. 21-Hattie S. M., Eatonton, GA, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Jan. 30-A.C. Lee, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Jan. 31-S. C. Bird, Athens, GA, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Feb. 20-Charles Webb, Charleston, SC, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Feb. 29-B. F. Whitner [uncle], Madison, FL, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 9-B. F. Whitner, Madison, FL, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 22-D. D. McHoon, Near Tibbe Station, MS, to W. H. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 23-Roberts and Tillman [General Commission Merchants], Savannah, GA, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 26-B. F. Whitner, Madison, FL, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar 29-William Church, Madison, FL, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Oct. 4-W. Church, Kirkland, FL, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Nov. 21-W. E. Reese, Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Dec. 18-J. A. Worley, Southern Express Co., Memphis, TN, to A. C. Lee, c/o Truss, Gross & Co., Columbus, MS.

Dec. 18-J. P. Strange, [Howell, Wood and Co.], Memphis, TN, to A. C. Lee, Columbus, MS. [enclosed with following 3 letters; envelope addressed Mr. W. H. Lee, c/o Billups and Brown, Columbus, MS]

Dec. 18-J. P. Strange, Memphis, TN, to Gen. Stephen D. Lee. [enclosed with preceding]

Dec. 19-J. A. Chalmers, Memphis, TN, to Gen. S.D. Lee. [enclosed with 2 letters preceding]

Dec. 23-S. D. Lee, Brooksville, MS, to W. H. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS. [enclosed with 3 letters preceding]

Dec. 26-E. Gross to Mr. Roberts.


Jan. 15-W. H. Lee, Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS, to A. C. Lee, c/o R. W. Banks, Cobb’s Switch, Mobile & Ohio Railroad, MS.

Jan. 25-Jule Croom [cousin], Nehamathla, FL, to A. C. Lee, c/o E. Gross & Co., Columbus, MS.

Jan. 27-Nan Croom [niece], Nehamathla, FL, to E. A. Lee.

Jan. 29-Sallie C. Barrow, Homewood, GA, to E. A. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Feb. 3-E. A. Lee, Columbus, MS, to A. C. Lee.

Feb. 4-Fannie [cousin], Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee, c/o E. Gross & Co., Columbus, MS.

Feb. 6-Jule Croom, Nehamathla, FL, to E. A. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Feb. 11-Sallie. C. Barrow, Homewood, GA, to E. A. Lee.

Feb. 12-Charles Webb, Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee.

Feb. 23-F. M. Leigh, Columbus, MS, to A. C. Lee.

March 20-W. E. Reese, Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee.

May 1-W. S. Lee, Edisto Island, SC, to A. C. Lee, c/o W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

May 3-Fannie [cousin], Charleston, SC, to A. E. Lee, c/o Gross & Co., Columbus, MS.

May 4-Sister C., Athens, GA, to E. A. Lee, c/o Brown Billups & Co., Columbus, MS.

May 14-J. M. Lee, Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS.

May 16-William Lee, Kirkland, FL, to E. A. Lee, Columbus, MS.

May 19-Jule Croom, Nehamathla, FL, to E. A. Lee, Columbus, MS.

July 10-W. E. Reese, Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee, c/o Gross & Leigh, Columbus, MS.

July 21-W. S. Lee, Edingsville, SC, to A.C. Lee, c/o Billups & Co., Columbus, MS.

July 22-Maria (?) I. Mikell, Summerville, SC, to A. C. Lee, c/o Billups & Brown, Columbus, MS.

Aug. 18-Fannie, Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee, c/o E. Gross & Co., Columbus, MS.

August [no day]-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to W. H. Lee.

Sept. 12-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to A. C. Lee, Artesia, M. & O. R. R., MS.

Sept. 12-R. M. B., Winchester, TN, to A. C. Lee, Cobb’s Switch, c/o Penn Smith, Station Agent, Artesia, M. & O. R. R., MS.

Sept. 25-C. L. B. Marsh, Montgomery, AL, to W. H. Lee. [following letter enclosed]

Sept. 3-Henry Simpson to C. l. Marsh. [enclosed with preceding letter]

Sept. 30-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to A. C. Lee, Artesia, M. & O. R. R., MS.

Oct. 5-Fannie, Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee.

Oct. 5-E. A. Lee, Milwaukee, WI, to W. H. Lee.

Oct. 23-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to W. H. Lee, J. P. Billups & Co., Columbus, MS.

Oct. 29-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to A. C. Lee, Artesia, MS.

Nov. 4-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to W. H. Lee.

Nov. 11-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to W. H. & A. C. Lee.

Nov. 14-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to W. H. Lee.

Dec. 6-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to W. H. Lee, c/o J. P. Billups & Co., Columbus, MS.

Dec. 13-E. A. Lee, Chicago, IL, to A. C. Lee, Artesia, M. & O. R. R., MS.

circa 1869-A. C. Lee, Columbus, MS, to Fannie, Charleston, SC. [possibly missing first page]


Jan. 23-E. A. Lee, St. Louis, MO, to W. H. Lee.

Mar. 18-Charles Webb, Charleston, SC, to A. C. Lee.

Mar. 27-E. A. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee.


Aug. 5-W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS, to E.A. Lee c/o Gen. S. D. Lee, Brooksville, MS.

Aug. 10-W. H. Lee, Moore, Cox & Co., Columbus, MS, to E.A. Lee, c/o Gen. S. D. Lee, Brooksville, MS.

Aug. 14-W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS, to E.A. Lee c/o Gen. S. D. Lee, Brooksville, MS.

Nov. 26-E. A. Lee, Columbus, MS, to A. C. Lee.


May 8-W. S. Lee, Edisto Island, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Moore, Cox & Co., Columbus, MS.

June 19-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Moore, Cox & Co., Columbus, MS.

July 15-W. H. Lee, Refuge, SC, to E.A. Lee. c/o Moore, Cox & Lee, Columbus, MS.

July 22-E. A. Lee, Columbus, MS, to W. H. Lee.

Aug. 26-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee.

Aug. 28-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Moore, Cox & Lee, Columbus, MS.

Dec. 7-Josh L. Lee [uncle], Langley Mills, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Moore, Cox & Lee, Columbus, MS.

Dec. 18-J. L. Lee, Langley Mills, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Moore, Cox & Lee, Columbus, MS.

1873 April 8-W. S. Lee, Refuge, SC, to W. H. Lee, c/o Moore, Cox & Lee, Columbus, MS.

1874 Oct. 24-E. A. Lee, Atlanta, GA, to W. H. Lee.

1875 June 25-S. A. R. to Louie.


Jan. 14-M. V. Lee [sister], Langley, SC, to E. A. Lee

Oct. 2-E. A. Lee, Langley County, SC, to A. C. Lee.

Nov. 6-E.A. Lee, Nehamathla FL, to Louise Waring Lee.


Mar. 11-L. E. W. [Elizabeth E. Waring] [sister-in-law] to unnamed [W. H. Lee]. [fragment]

Mar. 18-L. E. Waring to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Mar. 18-L. E. Waring to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS

Sept. 21.-L. E. Waring to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

Sept. 24-L. E. Waring to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

circa 1907-W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS, to Mrs. Bird.


Sept. 13-A. C. Lee, Jackson, MS, to W. H. Lee.

Dec. 5-A. C. Lee, Jackson, MS, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.


Feb. 10-W. H. Lee [father], Columbus, MS, to Anne Lee Sanders.

circa Apr. 14-A. Lee Sanders, Birmingham, AL, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS.

July 10-Sallie Whitmore Lee [sister-in-law], Jackson, MS, to W. H. Lee.

Aug. 16-Frank Walton Lee [nephew], Chicago, IL, to W. H. Lee.

Nov. 9-Elizabeth H. Whitner [cousin], Atlanta, GA, to W. H. Lee, c/o Columbus Insurance & Banking Co., Columbus, MS.

[1869?] July 27-Unknown [envelope postmarked Horsehead, MD] to A. C. Lee, c/o J. P. Billups & Co., Columbus, MS.

Undated-A. C. Lee, Edisto Island, SC, to E. A. Lee. [soon after Civil War]

Undated-E. A. Lee, [probably Columbus, MS] to A. C. Lee. [fragment]

Undated-Sallie to E. A. Lee [enclosed note and buttons]

1890s-Luce (?) Torry to Louise Waring Lee, Columbus, MS.

Ellie, Rocky Hill, AL, to W. H. Lee, Columbus, MS:

[1868?] Dec. 27


[1869?] Feb. 7

Mar. 19

April 18

April 25

May 5

July 11

Aug. 29

Sept. 23

Dec. 15

[1870?] Jan. 27

Waring family:

1867 April 6-A. E. Love, Columbus, MS, to James L. Waring.

1889 Oct. 31-Lawrence C. Waring [son], Hartford City, IN, to Patience Waring.

[no year] Nov. 6-L. C. Waring, Hartford, IN, to P. Waring.

1892 June 1-Marx Hamburger, Jacob Strauss & Co., New York, NY, to E. W. Waring, Cherokee, Lowndes County, MS. [receipt enclosed]

1898 Jan. 10-William O. LaVake, Dubuque, IA, to Waring. [enclosed in W.O. LaVake, Dubuque, IA, to [W.H. (?)] Lee, Jan. 10, 1898.]

circa 1930 Sept. 2-L. C. Waring [uncle], Decatur, IN, to Anne Lee Sanders.

Separated Materials

The following items have been separated to Special Collections:

1. Mullin-Kille, Columbus, Mississippi City Directory Supplement, 1971.

2. Durant, Mississippi: Farming, Trucking, Dairying, Poultry Raising, circa 1924.

3. Rotary Club. Facts About Durant, Mississippi, 1945.

Processing Information

Clippings were copied and disposed of. Photographs in frames were unframed and ten metal frames and four wooden frames were disposed of. The contents of two deteriorating scrapbooks were removed and the scrapbooks disposed of. The photographs in two magnetic albums were copied, the copies placed in the cover, the magnetic pages disposed of, and the photographs placed in photograph series. The photographs in a deteriorating album were copied, the album retained, and the photographs placed in the photograph series.

Sanders, Lee and Sargent Families Papers
Gerald Chaudron
July 2010
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